From Personal Computers to "Personal Vision"...

As details can web enable us to realize the innovations unimaginable ...

Six months ago, while I sought matters relevant to my analysis on the topics of "online income", I came across a series of lectures on TED, I've made ​​some reflections on the internet and the new opportunities for innovation through the "multidisciplinary Connected." In listening to these wonderful lectures, I realized the real potential for change that the exponential growth of technology, the connections that are created with the internet and social networks, are working on our future. The discovery of a multidisciplinary digital, sharing online, totally free content able to participate in the changes I was literally shocked, and for what I was looking for, in total contradiction with it, both for the optimistic view of the changes expressed in these conferences.
All this did result in me a series of questions, but what we can begin to exploit multidisciplinary technology to change, to innovate our present, where to start, what is the subject that most interests me and involves me, but it will be a topic of common interest or may just be a well-defined target. You can imagine ... are the same questions that whirl in my head when we learned to ride a bike, have the same dreams, the same desires ... or not. Then one day I had an epiphany on the subway, while all digitavano their smart phone or iPhone, I imagined how it would be if all those people were connected directly to their personal computers, but this claim could argue that this already exists, with systems pad or iPad, but it's still a bulky object and a common space has limitations, oltrea those of space also for privacy, the neighbor joins you looking at your screen, perhaps suggesting things to do.

...if we use the glasses as the screen, the mouse as a touch screen smart phone, smart phones like the same unit, and a headset for sound and vocals and what might happen ... and yet, on the Internet there are all the information to make such a solution? What will our hypothesis: 1) will be a working tool and entertainment miniaturized. 2) an instrument designed to operate in any emergency situation, both online and offline. 3) reduce the space required infrastructure to work, or change them substantially. 4) is a personal tool with greater operational privicy. And so on ... basically I have a PC in your pocket, a screen on the eyes and music to the ears, to do what I do today with a series of Bulky items that in some cases do not allow me to work only in dedicated spaces, you can imagine the application fields our hypothesis in tele-medicine, remote assistance, etc.. What about the idea seems interesting, but especially its development, at least in the first phase, made with free information on the internet.

The project ..
As we all know an idea is not enough, we must structure it to make it a project, analyze the various hypotheses of realization, but especially in our case to find the information required for its implementation directly on the Internet. Assuming that, at this stage, we do not have budget problems or better cost of the final, I have chosen in view certain web companies, as well as their reputation productive, even for the charm they have on me. As for the hardware choice was Nokia, produces wonderful smart phone, as well as various accessories needed as headset etc.., Is a company focused on research. For the visual spectacles I was inspired by Luxottica products, goes without saying will need some changes, but their design is far superior to the average offered by the market. As for the operating system I chose Google with Android, excites me a lot, also add that I am extremely fascinated by 'Company Google, even if it is free from defects. Imagine if Google and Ubuntu work together in a form of partnership to new operating systems, I think we will see some "beautiful", but rightly strategic business plans are beyond our knowledge or desires. For all App necessary for implementation of our interface, and use of the necessary programs we will see.

Issues to be resolved ...
The major challenge to be resolved concerns the physiological user and binocular vision. Without entering in the archives of MIT, Professor John Ross has treated the subject with interesting advance since 1965, both from the point of view of applications-perceptual both psychological point of view. Basically two questions are interesting, at least from my point of view, we might ask: What skills do people have to process messages that are in the binocular perception? What resources are available for these capacities to process visual information? Interesting and intriguing topics, I recommend when you have some time to explore these issues. The second problem is that not everyone has a good view, but in my case, the right eye sees less of the left eye, which means giving the possibility to adjust our visual quadrant according to a different focus of the various visual coordinates . It 's like a naval battle in the projection screen is divided into a series of dials that the user can adjust according to your visual needs (our interface will need these settings). Imperative, and the solution implemented will approach the ergonomic perfection, so as not to create any kind of physiological damage to the user, its physiological state should never be altered, but it will be quite the same as the previous use of our system or at least very similar. The third point is the integration of the command touch of the hand, with the voice command, mouth, to achieve a more effective interface of the operating system and ease of use of the instrument. Let us remember that our solution will have a high definition visual quality, now measured in dpi, but who knows in the future as. That said, the issue is the next sequence signal compression-video images for greater optimization of signal display, both in delivery times and in ways and on this subject I have relied on the research and accomplishments of Special Tools and Plugins made Prof. Claudio Bettini (University of Milan), and on the system of HD-Solutions that allows compression really interesting, offering a quality and speed of image-movie in HD. In this case, to have the knowledge on the script (copyright HD-solutions), or rather what are its possible applications and how it works, have not been enough research on the Internet, I had to ask directly to Sabrina Sabetta CEO Company. Other tematice ostiche to solve, clearly at different times, any contra psychological has a binocular vision of this kind, we could bring our users a situation of "alienation computer" at the bottom would find themselves spending a great deal of time with a monitor in the face ...

We must always remember that the complication in our development is a kind of intellectual pollution that clouds the mind "... True Genius and Quality are the ability to transform a complex problem in a simple and truly effective" (Gerry McGoven) .

1) Simplicity: use of an instrument that has already confident (for the majority of our user), phone, smart phone, iPhone, and iPad Pad. 2) Quality: video, data and audio, compatible with all existing applications on Android and PC, Photoshop, Dremweaver, Illustrator, OpenOffice, Acrobat, Windows Office, Premier, etc.. 3) Ergonomics: Design suitable for use for both children as well as elderly people or handicapped in some physical activities (complete sets of information acts to good use, keys, symbols, etc.). 4) Ubiquity: compatible for all wireless phone networks and satellite in use and for those in the near future; (IP broad band ADSL) and wireless (UMTS, WIFI, etc..). 5) Availability: software support, simple, open source, easy to upgrade and free mode. 6) Efficiency reliability: all choices both application and hardware (any accessories for specific solutions...), it shall be no operation other than an accepted and install automatically.

The themes of technological 'hardware ...
I decided to treat this subject in a separate chapter, not because of its complexity, and for the many issues involved. The first is the resolution of the display, this means the glasses that provide a transparent view of what is around us, but that's enough windows to allow viewing of our graphical interface. The treatment of the lenses with a different color between outside and inside, where for external means the public side, while for the inner side eyes (private). On the inner side we should have our projection of the "GUI", but how could all this happen? In latu top of our glasses will present a projection system brushing, use this terminology to better understand the sistema.Sono of micro projectors capable of transmitting the image with a minimum ancolo incidence of say around 5 °, on a surface specially treated silicon microspheres. It is the same effect of plasma screens where, however, the plasma is replaced by these microspheres. We must not only solve the problem of projection, but also the problem of feeding projectors, in this respect, the use of wifi operational unity between smartphone and projectors could be enough. Obviously at this stage the use of standard products does not solve the problem of consumption of the batteries silicon, we should recharge the unit operating more frequently. Another issue to be resolved is the problem of the weight of the glasses, I can not overcome some standard, so our miniature projection system will weigh very little, but in terms of weight, I do not know. For what concerns the apparatus audio-voice commercially by Nokia are extremely innovative solutions, high performance and functionality is the case of Lumia 820. The touch screen of our smart phones, allows advanced solutions use touch interface, so I do not worry too much at this stage at least, see mdello Nokia Belle Feature Pack 1 .... 
But what will be our hypotheses and solutions to be explored with the information on the web? How do we structure our design model? ...

from personal computer to personal vision ...
Part1.  Analysis and selection of the project
Part2. Hypothesis and suggested solutions from the web
Part3. Verification solutions and software applications
Part4. Conclusions and application model in 2013...

To respond to a few friends, I have no intention of having a blog for a fee, as Google allows me to have one and more free, even if everything goes in contradiction with the themes of personal branding, but paradoxically I think that on the web these contradictions can coexist ....

Thank You


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